CEP 810: Teaching for Understanding with Technology
Fall 2011
Instructor: Susan Wright
I took CEP 810 in the fall of 2011 as my first course towards earning my Master’s in Educational Technology degree and my Educational Technology Certificate. The course focused on learning new technologies to use as educators as well as providing a knowledge and understanding of learning theories and how they are applied to today’s 21st Century classroom. This course taught me the importance of a personal network, how to manage my workflow, and how to set and meet goals. I also explored and learned many new technology tools to use with my high school students in my online classrooms.
CEP 811: Adapting Innovative Technologies in Education
Spring 2012
Instructor: Allison Keller
CEP 812: Applying Educational Technology to Issues of Practice
Spring 2012
Instructor: Chuck Commeret
CEP 822: Approaches to Educational Research
Summer 2012
Instructor: Danah Henriksen
CEP 818: Creativity in Teaching and Learning
Fall 2012
Instructors: Punya Mishira, Kristen Kereluik, and Laura Terry
CEP 800: Learning in School and Other Settings
Spring 2013
Instructor: Danah Henriksen and Hannah Klautke
CEP 815: Technology and Leadership
Summer 2013
Instructors: Luke Rapa and Josh Rosenberg
CEP 820: Teaching Students Online
Fall 2013
Instructor: Anne Heinz and Sandra Sawaya
CEP 882: The Nature and Design of Compelling Experiences
Spring 2014
Instructor: David Wong
CEP 807: Capstone Portfolio Course
Spring 2014
Instructors: Matthew Koehler, Andrea Zeliner, Joshua Rosenburg, and Spencer Greenhaigh
Please click on the image to see My Personal Technology Plan.
CEP 811 is the second course I took towards completing my Master’s in Educational Technology degree as well as my Educational Technology Certificate. The course focused on pedagogical strategies and learning theories designed to incorporate new ways of using technology in the classrooms. We explored, evaluated, learned how to use new technologies, and created a stand-alone lesson. I was also introduced to Universal Design for Learning (UDL) that enabled me to recognize how to use technology to reach all students with different learning styles and needs.
Stand-alone Project-Stair Project
CEP 812 was the last course I took to complete the requirements for my Educational Technology Certificate. The course centered on a highly collaborate assignment with class peers to create a Group Leadership Project that focused on finding a problem in the classroom and using technology to solve it. Additionally, the course required us to focus on TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) as we used technology to create a Wicked Project that addressed an individual learning problem specially geared towards our teaching area.
Please click on the image to see my Group Leadership Project.
Please click on the image to learn about my Wicked Project.
CEP 822 was a highly intense course that concentrated on conducting research in the educational field. It had a strong emphasis on statistics, looking specialty at applications of descriptive and inferential statistics. While in the course, I reviewed many published educational studies and I completed a project that taught me how to conduct my own research. My research project explored preventing students in online courses from cheating.
Please click on the image to see my research project.
CEP 818 was one of the most enjoyable courses I took toward the completion of my Master’s in Educational Technology degree. Its focus was on looking at creativity from many different aspects, such as from the individual to society. It looked at the connection between creativity, humor, and what we consider play. A specific area of concentration was how we could use technology to become more creative teachers and how we could develop creativity in our students.
CEP 800 focused on different learning theories and how people learn. One area of concentration was to connect learning theories and the ways in which students learn in and outside of the school setting. In this course, I had the opportunity to examine learning theories and the philosophers behind them. After selecting a specific philosopher and learning theory, I used several technology tools to create a lesson that I was able to implement in an online classroom.
Please click on the image to see work for this course.
Please click on the image to see work for this course.
In CEP 815, the goal was to examine the role of leadership as it involved technology integration in our classroom or place of employment. We studied the traits and qualities of leaders (good & bad) and when deciding on technology integration; it is vital to understand the importance of balancing learning, teaching, and the use of technology. We also studied learning theories, strategies and how using technology can influence a student’s educational/learning success. In addition, we concluded the course by completing a Sustainability Technology Project to showcase our technology leadership skills.
Please click on the image to see work for this course.
In CEP 820 the focus was on bringing technology to the 21st Century classroom. We looked at the different kinds of online learning (blended, hybrid, flipped, and fully online) and how we can use the methods to meet the educational needs of all kinds of learners . We also examined numerous reports to gain a deeper understanding of the impact and future of online learning. In addition, we studied various LMSs (Learning Managment Systems) and chose one to build an online (or hybrid) course.
CEP 882 focuses on looking at the arts for creating more compelling learning experiences for our students. The course teaches us that one goal of education is to create compelling experiences that will affect students in an emotional and moving way. As teachers, we must learn to show our students that educational settings have as much to offer as plays, movies, books, theater and more. We just need to find a creative method to deeply move students to want to learn more.
Please click on the first image to see my Photography Project.
CEP 807 is my final course towards earning my Master’s in Educational Technology degree. The course is designed for students to create an online portfolio to showcase the work completed in the Master’s in Educational Technology program. This is a highly collaborative course, where we share our work and experiences with fellow students and teachers. In addition, the course requires a lot of self-analysis, reflection, and peer review.
Please click on the image to see portfolio.
Michigan State University
Annotated Transcript
Please click on the image to go to Merlot to view my STAIR Project.