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Below you will find some of the coursework I created to earn my Master in Educational degree.

Technology Showcase

Welcome to the technology showcase page of my portfolio.  Below you will find some of the work I completed towards earning my Master of Arts in Educational Technology.  As an online English teacher one of my major areas of focus is using technology in my online courses to foster student engagement and motivation.  With this in mind, I chose to center most of the technology projects I created around finding ways to excite my students in online courses. Many of my projects are designed around teaching creative writing and literature. 

 The Importance of a Personal Learning Netwrok Plan


While working on this project, I learned the importance of creating my very first Personal Learning Network Plan. To use technology effectively as a teacher, I must first have an understanding of what I already knew about technology, so I started organizing my plan with personal and work related categories, but I then quickly learned how to incorporate the new technology tools I learned. 


Personal Technology Plan




I used Prezi to create My Personal Technology Plan. It showcased the technology tools I had learned  and how I incorporated technology in my online classrooms. It also helped to  visualize my growth as an online teacher.


 Innovative Technologies in Education


Creating this project allowed me to further reseach Web 2.0 tools in education.  I learned many new technologies, such as:  RSS feeds, Netflies, Webquests, Merlot, and more.  I used Weebly to create my very first website centered around one of my online courses.  It was called, Welcome to American Literature.  


Technology to Issues of Practice


In this highly collaborative  Group Leadership Project I worked with two classmates and created a stand-alone professional development project showcasing a technology.  We used Google docs, to show the benefits of using Jing in the classroom. 


  Technology to Issues of Practice


  This project required me to find a  problem in my school or area of work and use technology to solve it.  The assignment involved a heavy focus on TPACK. I chose E-Porfolios to address a problem that many of my online students have, which is to have a reliable place to record and store their work.  E-Porfolios can also help with the motivation problem that many online student have, by enhancing organizational building skills, critical thinking skills, self-reflection, and offering collaboration with their peers.


Innovative Technologies


After numerous lessons structured around TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge),  and UDL (Universal Design for Learning), I created a stand-alone project, which consisted of a lesson designed to help my students learn how to successfully enter college, vocational schools, the military, or the workforce.  There was a heavy emphasis on designing SMART goals.

Educational Research


For this project I created  a blog that showcased   approaches to educational research.  There was great emphasis on applications of descriptive and inferential statistics.  I also selected  a problem in my educational field, researched the problem, attempted to provide tested ways of solving the problem (research) and presented my findings on my blog and as a final research proposal. 


  Creativity in Teaching and Learning


This project helped me to understand the need for creativity in our educational or work environment.   I was encouraged to find ways to develop creatively in my students and how to make my lessons more fun.  I created a Weebly that presened the assignments I created on creativity and thinking (abstract, embodied, model, dimensional, and play).  My final project for the course centered around seven cognitive tools to use that would help me to teach in a more powerful way.  I created lessons in one of the areas I teach (literature).

Learning in Different Settings


I created  technology-based projects designed around pedagogical methods that help teach how students learn and know things.   There was careful consideration as to the social aspects of learning and how a student’s environment and behavior can affect learning. We studied many learning theories. I enjoyed this course as I completed many new assignments involving technology, such as an audio production using Audacity. Also, focusing on my chosen learning theory I created a Digital Story Project.  Finally, I created a lesson plan around a creative writing assignment and implemented it!  I introduced a really fun tool called Glogster to my students. I created a Weebly to showcase my work for the course.

My Own Online Course


This project required me to study Learning Management Systems (LMSs) and choose one to construct my own online course, complete with units ready to teach in my subject area.  I  made fun interactive created Creative Writing activities for my online students. I also challenge them with assessments and writing assignments. 



Please click on the image to view my glog.

 Capstone Portfolio 


For my final course to complete my Master of Arts in Technology degree, I used Wix to create an online portfolio to highlight some of the work I completed in my courses.  The portfolio represents my journey and experiences as I learned new technologies, theories, and philosophies that will help me to continue to grow as a professional educator and better prepare my students for the 21st Century world.




Please click on the image to go to Merlot to view my STAIR Project.

Please click on the image to learn about my Wicked Project.


Please click on the image to see my Group Leadership Project.

Please click on the image to go view My Personal Learning Plan.

Please click on the image to see my research project.

Please click on the image to see my work for this course.


Please click on the image to see my LMS.

Username:  Sandrato/Pasword:  Beachdate1

Please click on the image to view my portfolio.

Please click on the image for an up close look of my PLN.

Please click  on the image to view more of my work for this course. 


Please click on the image to read about this assignment.

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